Monday, March 30, 2009

Since I love metaphors and drawing parallels in everything, one of the first things I did while watching Streetcar was look for the metaphors that the people represented. The most striking in my opinion being Stanley. Stanley to me represented Truth in its purest sense, that harsh looking glass that shows all of the flaws of the person looking into it. The image in the movie that reflected this was the naked light bulb in the apartment. The conflict was created by the naked light bulb lighting up the room, the room incidentally being Blanche. Stanley just wishes to impose truth on everything that he encounters so that he can control it and not be deceived. The problem then comes when he tries to expose Blanche for what she really was, as opposed to just accepting or even exposing the truth with a degree of grace. The grace that the truth should have been delivered with was the lamp shade that Blanche obsessed about.

This whole image in the movie made me think about the nature of Truth and how it should be treated. At first I want to believe that Truth should not be violated in any way and that it should be allowed to follow its due course. The problem then becomes that the Soul becomes uninhabitable and when a weaker person is exposed to that kind of harshness, they break. So this leads me to believe that Truth should be veiled to a certain extent and delivered with a kind of grace in order to soften it. But then again I tend to think that anything less than the whole is a violation of the whole. I'm still not really sure, I do think it should be delivered with love, but to what degree?

I don't know. It's somewhat ironic that Truth in this sense feels a lot more grey than I would like to think.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Seesaw Equilibrium

What is exciting is not for one person to be stronger than the other... but for two people to have met their match and yet they are equally as stubborn, as obstinate, as passionate, as crazy as the other.
--Barbra Streisand--

Yes, I realize the irony in having a New Yorker's quote start off a blog post about Southern Lit. It isn't a specifically Northern or Southern quote, though, and I have a newfound obsession with Barbra Streisand, so I have allowed myself the liberty of quoting her. Vivien Leigh is further from being Southern since her flag is different, anyway. Okay, no more of that disclaimer, it's becoming tiresome, right?
I agree with Barbra, of course. These two people meeting their match, we'll call...Blanche and Stanley. He, with his shoving reality and she with her obscure fantasy. He shoves, but she is not palpable enough to be shoved. One who does not fight directly or cannot be fought is often the most frustrating for someone like Stanley. They both destroy--she in the form of a vacuum and he in the form of a fire. There is tension throughout the movie between them. Both, as I said in class, want to conquer or overcome something. Both insist on a world that the other cannot or will not understand. Which one is overcome or conquered in the end of the movie? The reality, Stanley, still exists in the end. However, in Blanche's way, she wins. We still want to imagine her finding her way or her romance somewhere after the drama ends. We do not wonder at Stanley's continuing lifestyle, but we do wonder for Blanche. The lamp remains for Blanche, but the harsh glare of Stanley stays as well. So, they have met their match. Reality and mystery. They both linger.
When these opposites come in close proximity, they repel each other with great excitement. So, Blanche had to leave, but she is not destroyed completely. Losing her mind just drives her further into illusion. Raping Blanche makes Stanley even more brutal.
Yes, Ms. Streisand, it is exciting.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


Originally uploaded by 1DeadMule
Only the historical depth of Mobile's Mardi Gras makes it what it is. Go to Pensacola or, heck, even Tuscon, and you'll find other Mardi Gras parades (sponsored by Linksys, et al.). It has to be something that is born out of the culture.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Quentin Compson was obsessed with his past and with the actions of Thomas Sutpen and his posterity. His past consumes him and eventually leads to his demise, and I cant help but think that the South and Southerners to some extent do the same thing. There are many people who are consumed with the South and with the pride and history that come with it, but where I think many Southerners mess up is they avoid the darker side of their past and they also try to defend the South to non-Southerners. The South does not need defending, mainly because I feel like it is something that a non-Southerner would understand. But people get caught up in the past and it can destroy them and the south from the inside out. It can hold us back and keep us from moving but then again it also allows us to retain that part of the soul that much of the country has lost due to "progress." So I guess we have to strive for a middle ground, or do like those that started the Southern Renassance and glance back to where we came from while continuing to walk forward.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sugary South

Yup, we don't like to drink the bitter. If you've got something to say, make it sweet. Women, be sweet--at least in public. Southern hospitality! Music, sweet music!!! Blues, bluegrass, grassroots, soul, country, gospel, jazz, rap, etc. We've just got a lot of sugar down here, I suppose. It covers lot of a coat. If our Ms. O'Hara didn't talk so sweet, would we love her so much? Oh that Southern drawl is sweet like our tea. :) A friend of mine uses his accent to get girls and whatever else he wants, really. He's drunk with the sweetness of the South. Sometimes I am, sometimes I'm not. Well, very appropriate that sweet tea be the beverage of the South... There's more to be said here.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Random Quotes on the South...

"All I can say is that there's a sweetness here, a Southern sweetness, that makes sweet music. . . . If I had to tell somebody who had never been to the South, who had never heard of soul music, what it was, I'd just have to tell him that it's music from the heart, from the pulse, from the innermost feeling. That's my soul; that's how I sing. And that's the South." -- Al Green

"Southerners have a genius for psychological alchemy...If something intolerable simply cannot be changed, driven away or shot they will not only tolerate it but take pride in it as well."-- Florence King

"What can be more Southern than to obsess about being Southern?"
-Elizabeth Fortson Arroyo

"Whenever I'm asked why Southern writers particularly have a penchant for writing about freaks, I say it is because we are still able to recognize one."

--Flannery O'Connor

"The biggest myth about Southern women is that we are frail types--fainting on our sofas...nobody where I grew up every acted like that. We were about as fragile as coal trucks."

--Lee Smith

"There is as much dignity in plowing a field as in writing a poem."

----Booker T. Washington

" If things get any better, I may have to hire someone to help me enjoy it."

--Southern Saying

Thursday, January 29, 2009


The History of Mardi Gras King Cake

To go along with my first post, I decided to explore the history of another favorite Southern food especially favored in the Mobile Area. Since Mardi Gras is right around the corner I chose the famous king cake that is made only during the weeks of Mardi Gras.

The roots of the king cake date back to the early days of Christianity in Europe. King cakes traditionally go on sale to coincide with the Epiphany or Twelfth Night. It became traditional to bake a special cake -- a king's cake -- to mark the occasion.

Back in the olden days, a king cake was a simple sweet bread baked in an oval, much like it is today.It became customary for the party giver to include a small bean, coin or other trinket in the mix. According to legend, the recipient of the treasure was afforded special rights and privileges.Nowadays the finder of the prize is charged with hosting the next party, at which time another king cake with a bean would be served, and so on and so on. The bean has now been replaced with a tiny plastic baby. Custom no longer dictates that the victim who finds the baby host the next party; they are now only required to bring the next king cake.

The prize is also no longer baked into the cake, rather the baker places it inside the box so that the host or hostess can hide it in the cake, or not. If you do choose to hide it in the cake, it's a good idea to let your guests know it so nobody swallows it. By most accounts, the king cake didn't appear as a part of Mobile's Mardi Gras celebration until 1959 when Fred Pollman, owner of Pollman's Bakery, brought back a recipe from New Orleans where the practice had been going on for years. And, just as soon as you start to enjoy them, they're gone. Tradition holds that none are sold after the celebration of Carnival ends on Mardi Gras.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Southern Way of Life

If you are born and raised in the south, especially Alabama like I have, often times when you meet someone new you will be asked a very important question regarding a certain loyalty. This situation arises most predominately in Alabama especially in the autumn months. The question is "Auburn or Alabama?". Friendships will be based off an answer and an immediate prejudice will be rendered if the answer is opposite of the questioner's team. Or even worse, if the answer is "I don't like football," or something to that effect, there will be no stopping the flow of jokes and teasing and ostricization that will follow. Now granted this may be a bit overkill for the majority of the population, but there are people out there who live, breathe, eat, and sleep college football.
I have many friends, three of them being my roommates, who are Alabama fans. We are civil enough to each other during the season, but there is no shortage of sniping comments, especially if one of the teams didn't do well. It all culminates to the day of the big rivalry game, in Alabama's case, the Iron Bowl. It doesn't matter how bad the season was as long as your team wins that game. Friendships are all but dissolved on gameday. I have even avoided speaking to my roommates for a little while after the game.
There is one thing that transcends the bitter rivalry that exists in Alabama, which was ranked at the second best rivalry in the country, the love of college football. The redemption between friends is the impassioned discussion of the game, players, teams, and prospects for the next year. Friends spend hours every week discussing Saturday's games and the outcomes. Saturday comes and the day is devoted to one thing, football. Southern traditions have come from it. Tailgating may not be specifically Southern but we have perfected the tailgate. The tailgate is where rivals can share good food, beer, and good times; a proverbial last meal before the war that is about to be waged.
Southerners pride themselves on their football. The SEC is usually regarded as the most dominant conference, and with good reason. Based off of their tough defenses and hard-nosed offenses, SEC teams seem to be a reflection of the South itself, rife with a passion for the game and the atmosphere. It is a glorious thing when your team is victorious and supremely disheartening when you suffer a loss, and large quantities of alcohol goes to both sides whether in victory or defeat and even the most bitter of rivals when inebriated enough can agree on one thing, there is nothing like college football in the South.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thoughts provoked by Southern Lit class and NBC 15 News at 5

How ironic it was to learn that on our first day of Southern Lit class, the very day that we talked about the contrdadictions present in the post-Civil War South, one of those contradictions was the top story on the evening news. The president of the Alabama NAACP very publicly criticized the Mobile Azalea Trail Maids, saying that the girls' dresses reminded him of the days of slavery, and that they would be a "laughing stock" at President Obama's Inaugural Parade. The group was really fresh on my mind, as we had just talked about them in class as well. In my husband's family, there are four girls, myself included, who served or are serving as Azalea Trail Maids, so it's obviously very important to us. We naturally get a little defensive when comments like this are made against our beloved organization (we're a little fanatical, I know). As much as I love the Azalea City, what really interested me in the story was how it connected so perfectly with our class discussion. How do we, in 2009, deal with the racial tensions that still exist in our society? Slavery is a harsh part of our Southern heritage, but it is our heritage nonetheless. It is possible, or even right, to dress up in an antebellum costume and then require people to remember only the good and not the bad?
But we also know that dwelling on past events prevents progress, and dwelling on that aspect of the past is not something the Azalea Trail has been doing--22 percent of the currently serving Maids are minorities. In fact, the negative response to the NAACP president's remarks was so overwhelming that he has since apologized for his comments. Obviously this long-standing Mobile tradition is beloved by many people, minorities included, who feel that celebrating our history is serious and important, not a "laughing" matter. I think that so many of us recognize that the troubling elements of Southern history and culture are forever intertwined with the beautiful and good. If we can't get rid of the tensions that exist, but we can't stop the celebration of tradition, what should we do? Marching in the inaugural parade of the first African-American president of the United States sounds like a good start to me.

Grits: A Southern Tradition

I decided to dedicate my first blog to food since it is a huge part of my life; namely, southern food. I thought about what some of my favorite southern foods were and narrowed it down to one of my favorite southern breakfast foods: grits! I could eat grits with every meal. Cheese grits, butter grits, bacon grits, eggs and grits, and the list goes on. I decided to research the history of my favorite breakfast food and the information was actually very interesting.

Grits are served as a side dish for breakfast or dinner and are traditionally eaten with butter and milk. Three-quarters of the grits sold in the United States are from a belt of coastal states stretching from Louisiana to the Carolinas, known as the "Grits Belt."

Grits (or hominy) were one of the first truly American foods, as the Native Americans ate a mush made of softened corn or maize. In 1584, during their reconnaissance party of what is now Roanoke, North Carolina, Sir Walter Raleigh and his men met and dined with the local Indians. Having no language in common, the two groups quickly resorted to food and drink. One of Raleigh's men, Arthur Barlowe, recorded notes on the foods of the Indians. He mad a special note of corn, which he found "very white, faire, and well tasted." He also wrote about being served a boiled corn or hominy.

When the colonists came ashore in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607, the Indians offered them bowls of this boiled corn substance. The Indians called it "rockahomine," which was later shortened to "hominy" by the colonists. The Indians taught the colonists how to thresh the hulls from dried yellow corn. Corn was a year-round staple and each tribe called it by a different name.

In the Low Country of South Carolina and particularly Charleston, shrimp and grits has been considered a basic breakfast for coastal fishermen and families for decades during the shrimp season (May through December). Simply called 'breakfast shrimp," the dish consisted of a pot of grits with shrimp cooked in a little bacon grease or butter. During the past decade, this dish has been dressed up and taken out on the town to the fanciest restaurants. Not just for breakfast anymore, it is also served for brunch, lunch, and dinner.

Even as times change, grits have evolved from a regional food often used for survival to a food of choice and comfort in many American homes. Grits have also gone upscale being featured on menus in many five-star restaurants throughout the country.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fat Man Squeeze will be playing at The Alabama Music Box downtown, 8 pm Jan 25, with Wayne "The Train" Hancock (a modern day Hank Williams, Sr.). If you don't know FMSq--they are a local speedgrass (bluegrass meets rockabilly) band. Josh Pridgen, a longtime UM student and humanities guy, is the the bassist. They're an experience and they are pure-D postmodern South.


Telling about the South

We'll have a conversation (in image, music, prose, poetry, heck even crafts) over the next few months about the nature of the South and its literature. Everything is fair game--your posts will form a portfolio that will mix lighter posts (videos, anecdotes, bbq recipes) with heavier ones (responses to the readings, original works, etc.).

To embed video in the post (like the GWtW clip above), copy the text that 's in the 'embed' box above the video on YouTube, Google videos, etc. Then just paste that into the box and hit 'publish post.' No need to worry about using the upload (little film icon on the compose page) function.